Resolving Common Exceptions

A guide on resolving common exceptions and providing guidance in Kognitos.


This guide covers the various exceptions that can occur in Kognitos, along with troubleshooting tips and resolution strategies.


Action Plan

You can review the learning suggestions to apply recommended techniques for addressing exceptions. Alternatively, explore the list of Resolution Methods below for a specific exception type.

Common Exceptions

1. Could not get a file as a scanned document

This exception occurs when the system fails to access a file, potentially due to format, permission, or network errors.

✅ Resolution Methods

1. Retry

  • Retry the failed automation step.
  • This may be helpful if the exception was caused by a network error or a timeout.

2. Upload files

  • This method is useful if the original file is corrupted or in an unsupported format.
  • See Document Processing for more information on file uploads and supported formats.

3. Compute an answer

  • This method allows you to modify the automation to resolve the exception.
  • Use the Mini-Playground to refine and test the automation without affecting the main process.

4. Skip this step

  • Bypass this step in the automation.
  • Skipping a step can lead to another exception if the step resolves data that is referenced later in the automation.
    • Example: An exception occurs with the message "Could not get a file as a scanned document". The user chooses the Skip this step option. Later, the automation attempts to reference the document, resulting in a new exception: "Please provide scanned document."

2. Could not _____

This exception occurs when the system is unable to complete a specific action. The exception message starts with Could not and describes the action that could not be completed.

📝 Examples

  • Could not ask koncierge
  • Could not dump a file
  • Could not extract a table
  • Could not convert a datetime to a text

✅ Resolution Methods

1. Retry

  • Retry the failed automation step.
  • This may be helpful if the exception was caused by a network error or a timeout.

2. Compute an answer

  • This method allows you to modify the automation to resolve the exception.
  • Use the Mini-Playground to refine and test the automation without affecting the main process.

3. Skip this step

  • Bypass this step in the automation.
  • Skipping a step can lead to another exception if the step resolves data that is referenced later in the automation.
    • Example: An exception occurs with the message "Could not ask koncierge for the address." The user chooses the Skip this step option. Later, the automation attempts to reference the "address" again, resulting in a new exception: "Please provide address," as the value was not established.

3. Please provide ____

This exception occurs when the system cannot find a match for a specified field.

📝 Example

  • An automation has following line: get the scanned document's arrival time
  • The document may have an arrival time field, but the system will raise an exception when it cannot be extracted.
  • If the document has an estimated time of arrival field, the system will require additional guidance to extract its value in place of arrival time.

✅ Resolution Methods


Review the Learnings Suggestions

For this exception type, it may be helpful to review and apply the learning suggestions.

1. Select from Document

  • Manually choose the desired field from the document.

2. Write in Answer

  • Enter a value manually into the text box for the desired field.

3. Retry

  • Retry the failed automation step.
  • This may be helpful if the exception was caused by a network error or a timeout.

4. Compute an answer

  • This method allows you to modify the automation to resolve the exception.
  • Use the Mini-Playground to refine and test the automation without affecting the main process.

5. No value

  • Indicate that no value is needed at this time.
  • This option is useful when a value is unavailable or not applicable.
  • A dash ("-") will replace the value as a placeholder.

6. Skip this step

  • Bypass the field extraction step.
  • Skipping a step can lead to another exception if the step resolves data that is referenced later in the automation.
    • Example: An exception occurs with the message "Please provide the scanned document's arrival time". The user chooses the Skip this step option. Later, the automation attempts to reference the "arrival time" again, resulting in a new exception: "Please provide arrival," as the value was not established.

4. The key does not exist. How would you like to proceed?

This exception occurs when attempting to access a key that is missing in the current context or data structure.

✅ Resolution Methods

1. Pick suggested value

Select one of these options:

  • Create new record with empty value
  • Skip (Recommended)

5. Custom Exceptions

When the ask keyword is used in Kognitos, a question is asked to the user. These questions are custom exceptions.

📝 Examples

  1. Without Choices

This automation will raise an exception labeled The super secret code.

ask "The super secret code"
  1. With Choices

This automation will raise an exception labeled What is the preferred notification method?

ask "What is the preferred notification method?"
  the choices are "Email", "SMS", "Push Notification"

✅ Resolution Methods

With Choices

1. Pick suggested value (Recommended)

Choose which value to retain from a dropdown list of the specified choices.

2. Compute an answer

  • This method allows you to modify the automation to resolve the exception.
  • Use the Mini-Playground to refine and test the automation without affecting the main process.

With No Choices

1. Write in Answer

  • Enter a value manually into the text box for the desired field.

2. Retry

  • Retry the failed automation step.
  • This may be helpful if the exception was caused by a network error or a timeout.

3. Compute an answer

  1. This method allows you to modify the automation to resolve the exception.
  2. Use the Mini-Playground to refine and test the automation without affecting the main process.

4. No value

  • Indicate that no value is needed at this time.
  • This option is useful when a value is unavailable or not applicable.
  • A dash ("-") will replace the value as a placeholder.

5. Skip this step

  • Bypass the field extraction step.
  • Skipping a step can lead to another exception if the step resolves data that is referenced later in the automation.

Learning Suggestions

Within the Exception Center, you may see Suggestions listed below an Exception. These suggestions represent learning techniques provided by the system as potential solutions, based on Context Based Learnings (CBL). They are ranked by how closely the current document matches the document where the learning technique was previously applied.

Applying Learning Suggestions

  1. Hover over a Technique to see the confidence level displayed as a percentage. This score measures how similar two documents are.

  2. Hover over the top right corner of the Technique and click on the Play button to open a Mini-Playground. This is where you can test the learning without affecting the main process run.

  3. If the result is as expected, click Next and then click Use this method to apply the learning. If the result is not as expected, you can modify the technique in the Mini-Playground to get the correct value.