Quick Start Guide
Learn how to start your automation journey in Kognitos.
Make sure you're all set up before jumping in!
Begin in the Playground
In Kognitos, automations are created in a Playground. The Playground is a space that allows you to write, edit, test, and run an automation.
To create a new playground:
Navigate to Playground in the left sidebar menu.
Click on + New Playground.
Write Your Automation
The input area of the Playground is where you will write your automation and define the workflow. Your automation can be as simple as say "hello!"
, or it can contain many lines of instructions!
A procedure is a single automation task defined in plain English. Each procedure follows a specific grammatical syntax. Following the proper syntax when writing your automations is important so Kognitos understands the instructions correctly.
See Writing Automations to learn how to write and structure your automations. For more details, explore our guides by Automation Areas in the navigation bar, where each category references procedures for a specific domain.
A process is an automation workflow built using one or more procedures. When you are finished drafting your automation in the Playground, you can convert it to a draft process.
Create A New Draft Process
Finish building your automation in the Playground, then click on Create Process.
Name your process using one of the following patterns:
Starts with "to"
Ends with "is", "if", or "are"
to do something
a book is good if
the cool penguins are
the valid string is
Additional Rules:
Only use alphanumeric characters, including letters
A-Z, a-z
and numbers0-9
.Do not use special characters, including but not limited to:
! - @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _
This makes it easy for Kognitos to read the process name like an English phrase!
Click on Create a Draft Process.
Troubleshooting Process Creation
Make sure the process name is valid. Your process should either start with 'to' or end with 'if', 'is' or 'are'. The process name should also only contain alphanumeric characters. If these naming conventions are not followed, you may encounter the following error:
The name you entered is not a valid procedure name.
Test your automation in the Playground first. If there are any errors, Kognitos may prevent you from creating the process. Run and test the script to identify issues before saving it as a new process.
Publish a Process
When you are ready to finalize your process, you can publish it. Once published, the process becomes locked for edits, making it stable for production but unchangeable without creating a new draft.
Last updated
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