
An overview of the Processes tab


Within Kognitos, think of a Process as an automation. You can create an automation from the Playground tab and push it to the Processes tab.

Creating a new process

Here the normal sequence of events to create a new Process would be:

  1. Build and test your automation in the Playground
  2. Then convert your Playground automation into a Process

As a Process, you can schedule and set up an email trigger for your automations.

You can review all of your Processes under the Processes tab.

Specific Process View

From the Processes tab, if you click on a Process name, you'll be taken to a detailed view.

Viewing and Editing Your Automation

When you first land on the detailed view, you'll be able to see each line of your automation in the main window. You can edit your automation from this view similar to how you would in the Playground view however you don't get any of the additional features like suggestions and an accessible Koncierge.

If you do edit your automation, before you can save the changes, Kognitos will make sure there are no grammar issues and present you with a green checkmark allowing you to save. If there is a grammar issue, you'll see an orange triangle that will present the issue within your automation.

Example of editing an automation from the Processes tab

Example of editing an automation from the Processes tab

Kicking Off a Run

Within Kognitos, a Run represents each execution of an automation. In addition to editing your automation, you can also kick off a Run with the purple button in the top right corner. The Run will start immediately and you can monitor your run on the lefthand side of the screen under the Runs tab.

Viewing Past Runs

You can click on any Run in the Runs tab to view the results of each step of the automation for that particular Run.

You can also click on a Run that has an orange triangle in order to provide input to the automation when it gets stuck on a step. For more information on how provide user input and Kognitos's human-in-the-loop capabilities, checkout this guide!

Other Actions

Viewing the Learnings Tab

You can view all of the learnings associated with this process by clicking Learnings in the lefthand tab. This can be helpful if you need to update or edit a Learning. To learn more about Learnings, check out this guide!

Triggering Your Process

You can read all about triggering your process in these guides: