Paycom HR and Payroll


This manual is divided into several sections, each focusing on a specific aspect of the Paycom-Kognitos integration.


The integration of Paycom with Kognitos offers a powerful and intuitive way to interact with Paycom's HR and payroll functionalities. This integration enables users to perform a wide range of operations on Paycom data, including querying employee details, managing punch entries, and setting up connections, all through the use of Kognitos’ natural language processing capabilities. This section provides an overview of the Paycom-Kognitos integration and outlines the prerequisites for using Paycom on Kognitos.

Prerequisites for Using Kognitos with Paycom

Before you can start using Kognitos to interact with Paycom, there are several prerequisites that need to be met:

  1. Paycom Account: You need to have an active Paycom account. If you do not have one, you can sign up for a Paycom account to get started.
  2. API Access: Ensure that your Paycom account has API access enabled. API access is required for Kognitos to communicate with Paycom.
  3. Credentials: Obtain your Paycom environment, username, and password. These credentials are necessary to establish a secure connection with Paycom.
  4. Basic Understanding of Paycom Data: While Kognitos simplifies interactions, having a basic understanding of Paycom data (e.g., employee details, punch entries) will help you automate more effectively with Kognitos.

Once these prerequisites are met, you are ready to start leveraging the power of Kognitos to enhance your Paycom experience, making it more accessible, efficient, and customizable.

Learning the Paycom HR and Payroll Book (Integration)

To interact with Paycom using Kognitos, establishing a secure connection to your Paycom instance is the first critical step. This section outlines the credentials required for this connection and provides a detailed, step-by-step guide to connect successfully.

Required Credentials

To connect to Paycom, you will need the following credentials:

  1. Paycom Environment: The environment of your Paycom instance (e.g., "production").
  2. Username: The email address or username associated with your Paycom account.
  3. Password: The password for your Paycom account.

Step-by-Step Connection Process

  1. Navigate to the Department tab of Kognitos and search for the Paycom
  2. Click on + Book button on the right of the card

  1. Add in the credentials when you are prompted

Note: In case you see Test and Production credentials separately you can add both. If you don't have two sets of credentials you can use the same credentials in both.

Successful integration: Once the book has been learnt successfully, you are ready to perform various operations on Paycom.

Working with Employee Details

Interacting with employee details is a core functionality when integrating Paycom with Kognitos. This section covers how to fetch employee details using specific IDs or filters.

Querying Employee Details

Get an Employee's Details

To retrieve details of a specific employee by their ID, use the following command:

get an employee's details whose
    employee id is "12345"

Get Some Employees' Details

To retrieve details of multiple employees based on specific filters, use the following command:

get some employees details where
    the department is "Engineering"
    the job title is "Software Developer"

Managing Punch Entries

Managing punch entries is essential for tracking employee attendance and work hours. This section covers how to create and delete punch entries for employees.

Creating Punch Entries

To create a new punch entry for an employee, specify the entry details as shown below:

create an employee's punch entry with
    the EntryType is "clock in"
    the PunchTime is "2023-04-01T08:00:00"
    the EmployeeId is "12345"
    the PunchDesc is "Morning shift start"
    the PunchType is "start"

Deleting Punch Entries

To delete an existing punch entry for an employee, specify the punch ID as shown below:

delete the employee's punch entry with
    the punch ID is "12345"

By following these guidelines, you can effectively manage punch entries in Paycom using Kognitos, from creating new entries to deleting existing ones as needed.

Glossary of Terms

  • API (Application Programming Interface): A set of rules and protocols for building and interacting with software applications. Paycom API allows external services like Kognitos to communicate with Paycom to retrieve or modify data.
  • HR (Human Resources): A department within an organization that manages employee-related functions such as hiring, training, payroll, and benefits.
  • Punch Entry: A record of an employee's clock-in or clock-out time, used for tracking attendance and work hours.
  • Employee Details: Information related to an employee, such as their ID, name, department, job title, and contact information.

By leveraging the Paycom-Kognitos integration, you can streamline your HR and payroll processes, making them more efficient and user-friendly.