Get the Current Temperature

This operation fetches the current temperature for a specified city using the OpenWeather API.


Note: This operation is part of the OpenWeather Book (BDK). To use this book, you need to first learn it in your agent.

Input Concepts

ConceptDescriptionTypeRequiredDefault Value
cityThe name of the city. Please refer to ISO 3166 for the state codes or country codes.nounYesN/A
unitThe unit of measurement. standard, metric and imperial units are available. The default is standard.nounNostandard

Output Concepts

current temperatureThe current temperature in the specified units of measurement, or None if an error occurs.number


  1. Retrieve the current temperature at London
get the current temperature at London
  1. Retrieve the current temperature at London in Celsius
get the current temperature at Buenos Aires with
    the unit is metric