Get the Current Temperature
This operation fetches the current temperature for a specified city using the OpenWeather API.
Note: This operation is part of the OpenWeather Book (BDK). To use this book, you need to first learn it in your agent.
Input Concepts
Concept | Description | Type | Required | Default Value |
city | The name of the city. Please refer to ISO 3166 for the state codes or country codes. | noun | Yes | N/A |
unit | The unit of measurement. standard , metric and imperial units are available. The default is standard . | noun | No | standard |
Output Concepts
Concept | Description | Type |
current temperature | The current temperature in the specified units of measurement, or None if an error occurs. | number |
- Retrieve the current temperature at London
get the current temperature at London
- Retrieve the current temperature at London in Celsius
get the current temperature at Buenos Aires with
the unit is metric
Updated 26 days ago