
This book allows you to work with and automate Excel


The Excel Book allows you to work with Excel files when they are more than just a simple column row structure. For example we may have a sheet that looks like this:

We may only need to get the table that starts with the Pet Name column and ends with the Pet Type column. Excel sheets can get complicated so we can use Excel operations to get the data we need and then further process it.

As a reminder, once you have access to a table (may be one of many within an Excel sheet), you can follow this guide to perform a variety of actions on that table.

Learning the Excel Book

Navigate to the Department tab of Kognitos and select the Excel book to learn.

You will be able to find the Excel book as shown above

You will be able to find the Excel book as shown above

Connecting to Excel

When working with Excel, it's super easy to connect and work with an Excel file. Unlike some other books where you need to write a sentence like connect to salesforce, with Excel you can hit the ground running with your tables.

The key phrase to use if you want to work with an Excel workbook is open the sheet at:

the files are the spreadsheet files
open the sheet at the spreadsheet file

Line 2 above shows how to use the keyword open the sheet at which allows Kognitos to recognize your file as an Excel Workbook.

Very Standard Excel Sheets

If you have an Excel sheet that is very simple with just column headers and rows, you can also read in the Excel sheet directly as a table then work with the data as a table.

Extract tables from the Excel Document

Get the Table by Specifying Start and End to the Table

get the spreadsheet file
open the sheet at the spreadsheet file
get the sheet's table whose first header is "Pet Name" and whose last header is "Pet Type"

The above lines will grab this table from the example above INSTEAD OF THE WHOLE sheet:

Pet NamePet OwnerPet AgePet Type
PabloJessica6Leopard Gecko

Turning A Table Into an Excel File

We cover table operations in the Table Data guide, but you may find yourself with a table, for example an extracted table from a document. Run the following command to turn it into an Excel file type:

convert the table to an excel