Deploying and Learning Your Book

Learn the requirements for deploying your Book and learning it in Kognitos.


After successfully building your Book and creating a Docker image, the next step is deployment. You have the flexibility to deploy your Book to any environment that supports external access and routing, ensuring it can be reached from Kognitos. The choice of deployment method will depend on your organization's specific preferences and requirements. Common deployment options include:


Port Configuration

Ensure that the port specified in the Dockerfile is properly exposed and matches your deployment environment's configuration.

Refer to our Planning Guide for additional deployment considerations.

Learning Your Book in Kognitos

Books need to be learned in order for you to use them in a Playground or Process. Follow these steps to learn your Book after deploying it:

  1. Retrieve the HTTPS endpoint from your deployment.
  2. Place this at the beginning of your automation, substituting your own endpoint in the syntax:
learn "https://<your-endpoint>"