Department Box

Learn how to perform operations on a department box.


A department box is a container for storing items, managed by a specific storage engine. This library allows users to perform a wide range of operations, including adding, retrieving, removing, and exporting items within department boxes. The library supports multiple storage engines, such as S3 and DynamoDB.

Setting Up Department Box Connection

Required Credentials

To connect to a department box, you will need the following credentials:

  1. Storage Engine Type: The type of storage engine you are using (e.g., "s3" or "dynamodb").
  2. Access Credentials: The necessary access credentials for your storage engine (e.g., access key, secret key for S3, or appropriate IAM roles for DynamoDB).

Connection Process

  1. Connect to the Department Box: Use the following syntax to connect to the department box.

    HR is a department box
    the department box's engine is "<storage_engine>"

    Replace <storage_engine> with your actual storage engine type (e.g., "s3" or "dynamodb").

    HR is a department box
    the department box's engine is "s3"
  2. Verify Connection: After executing the above command, the Kognitos will attempt to establish a connection to the specified storage engine. If the connection is successful, you can proceed with further operations like adding, retrieving, or removing items. If the connection fails, verify your credentials and ensure that your storage engine type is correct.


Interacting with department boxes is a core functionality of Kognitos. Linked below are operations for retrieving, removing, and exporting items within department boxes.

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