Cleaning a Department Box

These operations remove items from a department box.

You can remove items from a department box using the clean keyword.

Clean All Items

To delete all items from a department box, use clean followed by the department box name. For example:

HR is a department box
the department box's engine is "s3"
clean HR

Clean Items Before a Certain Date

To delete only items older than a specific date or time, use clean with before and specify either a relative or absolute date.

Relative Date

A relative date is based on the current time. For example, this removes all items from the department box that are older than 3 hours:

HR is a department box
the department box's engine is "s3"
clean HR before '3 hours'

Absolute Date

An absolute date is a fixed point in time. The following removes all items from the department box that were added before October 23, 2020:

HR is a department box
the department box's engine is "s3"
clean HR before '23rd Oct 2020'