BDK Setup Guide

Learn how to set up your Book project with the BDK.


Ensure the following prerequisites are met and dependencies are installed before proceeding.

pyenv (recommended)

Pyenv is used to manage Python versions and project dependencies with the pyenv-virtualenv plugin.

  1. Follow the installation steps for pyenv.
  2. Follow the installation steps for pyenv-virtualenv.

Python can be installed with pyenv in the following way:

pyenv install 3.11

2. Git

4. pipx

Setting Up Your Project

Set up your project using the BDK Template, a tool designed to simplify the creation of Books.

1. Clone and Initialize

Clone the BDK Template from GitHub and initialize your project with Cookiecutter:

cookiecutter git+ssh://[email protected]/kognitos/bdk-template.git

Enter the following project details or press Enter to keep the defaults:

Project NameThe name of your project.Sample Book
Project SlugA URL-friendly version of the project name. If not provided, this will be derived from the project name.sample_book
Project DescriptionA short description of the project.A short description of the project.
Author NameYou or your organization's name.Kognitos
Initial VersionInitial project version.0.1.0

2. Enter Project Directory

Navigate into the new project directory. Replace project_slug with your own Project Slug from the previous step:

cd <project_slug>

3. Create a Virtual Environment (recommended)

We recommend creating a virtual environment to isolate and manage your project dependencies.

1. Configure Poetry to create the virtual environment inside the project’s root directory:

poetry config true

2. Create a virtual environment:

poetry env use 3.11
Setting your local pyenv version

If you are using pyenv and encounter the following error:

pyenv: python3.11: command not found

  The python3.11' command exists in these Python versions:

Run the following command to set the local pyenv version for the current directory:

pyenv local 3.11

3. Activate the virtual environment

Run poetry shell or manually activate the environment using the following commands:

source $(poetry env info --path)/bin/activate

Note: To later exit the virtual environment later, run deactivate.

4. Install dependencies

poetry install