Account Setup and Creation
How to manage your Kognitos Environment
When you get started with Kognitos, we will provide instructions for you to create your own Organization. An Organization is your own Kognitos instance to build and manage your automations.
Within your Organization, you can create Departments. Think of Departments as divisions of your Organization to organize different processes and manage user access and roles. Departments additionally enable organizations to keep data separate across different parts of an organization, or across different countries.
Creating Your Organization
Upon joining Kognitos, you will receive instructions to set up your org. Navigate to
, and you will be prompted to give your new Organization a name!
Creating a Department
From the Processes, Department, and Playground tab, you'll be able to see a dropdown in the top right corner with the currently selected Department name. Click on the drop down and you'll see a tab that says Create New.
If you face any issues please reach out to [email protected]
Updated 2 months ago